
The Centre for the Prevention of Risky Virtual Communication at the Faculty of Education, Palacký University Olomouc (CPRVC) is a certified university institute dealing with risky forms of online communication of children and adults alike. It focuses on cyberbullying, cyberstalking, hoaxes and spamming, sexting, social engineering in the online community, the risk of sharing personal data in social networks, and other hazardous communication phenomena.

icon researchicon educationicon inverventionicon awarenessicon legislationicon popularization


The research conducted at CPRVC is both basic and applied (including contractual research). It is aimed at risky communication of children and sexual abusers, the risk of sharing personal data across individual communication platforms, specific forms of cyber attacks by means of webcameras (webcam trolling), how to reveal fake profiles, identify fraudulent e-shops and commercial offers, identify aggressors, support victims, etc.

In recent years, it has also focused intensively on the issue of strengthening media literacy - through education. In this area, it cooperates, for example, with CEDMO - Central European Digital Media Observatory. New research topics include, for example, the risks and opportunities associated with artificial intelligence.

Research, education, and interventions at the Centre are conducted in collaboration with a number of companies – mainly Google, Seznam.cz, O2 Czech Republic, Vodafone, IBM, the Allegro Group, and ESET, as well as with the Police of the Czech Republic, the National Bureau to Combat Organised Crime, and other institutions.


In addition to research, the Centre also runs a national project aimed at prevention and education in relation to risky behaviour on the internet called E-Safety (www.e-bezpeci.cz), an online advisory centre for victims of internet attacks (www.napisnam.cz) linked with the national Safety Hotline, the Police of the Czech Republic, the Authority for Social and Legal Protection of Children, and other specialised institutions.

In 2015, the E-Safety project won the Czech national round of the European Crime Prevention Award.


Online counselling cooperating with organizations specializing in the issue (BKB, Police, PP counselling, etc.), which participates in the direct solution of individual cases. The Centre provides 5layer counselling (primary, legal, psychological, socio-legal and police)

In the area of intervention the Centre cooperates with specialized departments of Pedagogical Faculty of Palacký University (more here) and with other expert and intervention institutions from the entire country.


The center also focuses on awareness-raising activities related to the use of IT technology among pupils, parents, educators and the elderly. He actively participates in various trade fairs and festivals (Utubering), realizes popularization campaigns, actively cooperates with the media, publishes press releases, etc.


The Center for the Prevention of Risk Virtual Communication of the Pedagogical Faculty of the Palacký University for the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and the National Institute of Education prepared an updated version of the Legislative Document of the Methodical Recommendation on the Primary Prevention of Risk Behavior (in area of cyberbullying).

The document is now complemented by a whole range of new information, for example on how to deal with risk situations on the school side, on the part of the victim of aggression and also on her parents. The sub-section also deals with the risk and protective factors associated with cyberbullying, its origin and development. We have supplemented the legislative framework (in line with the revised School Act), expanded the network of cooperating institutions, and also focused on the possibilities of solving kybešikany out of school (in cooperation with other institutions).

The innovated material is available on the Ministry of Education website (Czech only).

Popularization of IT technologies

The Centre also holds numerous activities related to popularization of modern IT technologies in education and research, for instance the area of 3D technologies (Google Cardboard, Oculus Rift, 3D scanning, Leap Motion, Google Glass) and 3D printing. The special part of Centre focused on modern technologies in education is called „Digiden“.